Consulting for freelance translators

Does any of these situations sound familiar?

  • You’ve been a freelance translator for a few years, but you don’t know how to attract the clients of your dreams.

  • You’re freshly graduated and you have no idea where to begin when it comes to launching your business.

  • You’ve got 1 or 2 big clients but you’d like to make your business more viable.

  • You accept the rates your clients dictate and you’d like to stand your ground and improve your negotiation skills.

  • You think everyone else has a perfect online presence and you wish you had something as interesting to say.

  • Your business is growing but you’re having a hard time putting processes in place.

Found yourself nodding? I've got you!

The accountability you need to reach your goals
as a freelance translator

Here's what I can help you with:

🔎 Reviewing your website and/or CV
✨ Guiding you with your online presence
👋 Helping you identify your positioning and USPs
💸 Determining your pricing and improving your negotiation skills
💎 Advising you on how to carve your niche
📈 Helping you find new (and better!) clients
📢 Implementing a prospecting system that you actually stick to
⏳ Managing your time better and improving your organisation
⚙️ Putting SOPs in place to scale your business

But this is what I can't do:

❌ I can’t do the work for you. While I can devote a few hours of my time and my unfailing attention to you, the real efforts have to come from you. You alone are in charge of your business and have the power to change it!

I can’t help you overnight. Change takes time and results require consistency. It’s a marathon, not a sprint.

I can’t give you a one-size-fit-all magic formula. Every business is unique, and every translator has specific services, niches and USPs. A strategy that fits a colleague perfectly might not work at all for you. 

Are we a match made in heaven?

Hi there, I'm Emeline.

If you’ve come this far, you probably want to know more about why I want to help freelance translators.

I’ve been a freelance translator, an agency founder with a small team of freelancers and in-house staff. I’ve scaled up, scaled down, and scaled up again to finally find a structure that suited me and my aspirations. I know the translation industry inside out because I’ve been on both ends of the spectrum: in the client’s and the translator’s shoes.

Today, things are changing more than ever. I see translators leaving the sector out of fear of being without a job in a couple of months. Others are determined to make things work, but don’t really know where to start.

By sharing my years of experience and my passion for our industry, I’m here to help you earn more, set your boundaries and shape the life you want to live on your own terms.

The numbers





years in the translation industry.

figures after 5 years in business.

coffees a day to do my best work (yes, I know you can relate!).

children raised all the while managing a growing business.

But you don't have to take my word for it

I’ve asked Emeline to help me find a better work organisation. Together, we’ve thought about how to manage my inbox and how to plan incoming translation projects in a way that made sense to me. Thanks to her invaluable advice, I save an incredible amount of time every day!

Alessia Caicco Founder, We Love Limonata

I have known Emeline for a few years now. We met in a professional context but over time, we have become quite close. It is always a pleasure to work with her because she is a skilled translator who has equally demonstrated rigour and organisation.

Jenny Vanmaldeghem Jenny Vanmaldeghem Founder, JV Traduction

Emeline’s kindness, ability to listen, sense of professionalism and cheerfulness make her a great partner who is a pleasure to work with ! I feel fortunate to be able to count Emeline as one of my clients and I am thrilled to be one of her clients as well!

Eva Lena Vermeersch Eva Lena Vermeersch Founder, Volna

Let's work together!

How it works

Pick My Brain session (90 EUR)

You need ad-hoc help with a specific painpoint. During this single 90 minute session, we go through your situation and find ways to get you unstuck. You come out with concrete actions to implement and with the confidence you need to take the next steps.

Perfect for:

  • reviewing your CV, website or portfolio and attracting new clients
  • helping you manage your time better and achieve a better work-life balance
  • helping you out of an unhealthy client relationship and earning the money you deserve
What you get:
  • 1 session of 90 minutes
  • the recording of our session
  • a written recap of your action plan
  • a gentle follow-up 2 weeks after our session to see how you’re getting on

The Translator Buddy (490 EUR)

You need to cover more ground and need long-term guidance. I’m your accountability buddy! We meet for 90 minute sessions each month for 4 months (or less if you want to fast-track to your results), we meet for 90 minutes to tackle your challenges and track your progress.

Perfect for:

  • gaining clarity on your positioning and USPs to win your dream clients
  • setting up an effective prospecting management system you actually stick to
  • rethinking your pricing strategy to earn more while dedicating your time to the things that matter to you 

What you get:

  • 4 sessions of 90 minutes
  • the recordings of our sessions
  • written recaps of your action plan
  • access to my private Slack channel